Unlock the Secret Formula for SaaS & Tech Growth

Stop chasing short-term wins. Discover the proven path to sustainable profitability with our FREE Founder's Guide.

Tired of throwing money at marketing campaigns with lackluster results? Want to build a business that not only attracts new customers but keeps them coming back for more?

Master LTV & CAC

Don't Leave Money on the Table.

Download your FREE Founder's Guide now and unlock the secrets to sustainable, profitable growth.

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    Shannon Kuykendall

    Marketing Support Services

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    The Power of Experience

    With 20 years of marketing expertise, I'll create a custom strategy that aligns with your budget and delivers tangible results.

    Unlock Your Marketing Potential Today!

    Did You Know?

    • 80% of your future revenue likely comes from just 20% of your current customers.
    • A mere 5% reduction in churn can skyrocket your profitability by up to 95%.
    • The "golden ratio" for SaaS companies is a 3:1 LTV:CAC ratio (or higher!).

    Imagine a business where your customers stick around longer, spend more, and become your biggest advocates. That's the power of mastering LTV and CAC.

    What You'll Get Inside This FREE Guide:

    • Crack the Code: Understand the true meaning of LTV and CAC, and why they are the lifeblood of your SaaS or tech business.
    • Step-by-Step Formulas: Learn how to calculate your LTV and CAC accurately, so you can make data-driven decisions.
    • Actionable Strategies: Discover proven tactics to boost customer lifetime value, reduce acquisition costs, and increase your bottom line.
    • Insider Tips: Get exclusive insights from 20+ years of content marketing experience, tailored specifically for founders like you.
    • Tools & Resources: We've done the legwork for you. Find easy-to-use software and platforms to implement these strategies right away.